ISA Great Britain EventsThree meeting a year Date and Hotel subject to confirmtion
International Submariners Association The Association was formed in 1962 and is non-political and non-denominational. The aim of the Association is to show friendship and goodwill towards each other. To arrange exchange visits for us and our children for a better understanding in the future. To remain loyal to our Sovereign and country at all times and to work for the ideals that World War II was fought – freedom of speech, expression and thoughts.The I.S.A. is a world wide Association of Submariners, which includes members from Albania Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czechoslovakia Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Netherlands New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the Ukraine ,and the USA.Annually, a 3 day Congress is held, hosted by a different country each year, when Submariners and their ladies from all over the world enjoy getting together socially, meeting old friends and making new ones, dining and dancing, sightseeing etc.The I.S.A.[GB] holds three meetings per year- in the Middle section of the UK, i.e. North, Stoke across to Norwich and South, Cardiff across to Southend. A hotel is chosen in the designated area, where we can have our meeting on the Saturday and dine together in the evening. These meetings have also become great social occasions where we meet up with old boat mates and enjoy a few drinks together. The ladies are also made most welcome – in fact, the I.S.A. encourages the ladies to take part in all their activities.Further information about any of the above is available on request from the Secretary.
WelcomeTo the International Submariners Association Great Britain web site
Aims of ISA GBThe International Submariners Association is an organisation to perpetuate the memory of submariners who have died in the service of their country, and to encourage social activities which promote comradeship among submariners worldwide.
MembershipApplications for membership are welcome from serving or ex-submariners of any nation. Goto Membership Application Page.
2025 60th International Submariners Congress, Gdynia Poland
Wearealwayshappytohavenew membersjoinus.Ifyouareservingorex-submarinersofanynation,andare interestedinjoiningus,orneedmore informationonISAGBevents,and International congress, please contact us