International Submariner Services Medal
Only a select few are accepted for duty in the submarine service and for them the price of success can be very high. To mark such dedication and hardship a special commemorative medal has been struck at the close of the first one hundred years of submarine history. Commissioned jointly by the Royal Naval and International Submariners Associations this is a distinctive tribute to the men who have served and continue to serve beneath the world's oceans. The professionalism that is the hallmark of the submariner is acknowledged around the globe, as are the sacrifices they are at times called upon to make. Recognised by their individual countries often with their highest distinction for bravery but never before has a single medal bonded the men of the "Silent Service" of so many nations. Any question asked International Submariners Association Great Britain James Blakely
h t t p : / / w w w . a w a r d m e d a l s . c o m / i n t e r n a t i o n a l - s u b m a r i n e - s e r v i c e - m e d a l - p-759.html
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International Submariners Association  Great Britain  Founded 1962  International Submariners Association  Great Britain  Founded 1962  International Submariners Association  Great Britain  Founded 1962